Sunday, August 23, 2015

Songs of the Day # 581 Miracle Legion

Seeing as this blog is at least partially about memory, given the quote at the top of the page among other things, Miracle Legion seem like a logical selection. In that they're  a memory of mine and their first record, the mini-album, The Backyard, released in the mid-eighties, seemed to  be largely about memory.

Not just in terms of the themes itself. The whole sound of the record is a memory of the first couple of R.E.M. albums. Singer Mark Mulcahey's lyrics are clearer but his voice has a clear echo of Michael Stipe's and the whole sound and the feel of the background exist squarely in R.E.M.'s shadow.

Not that I'm complaining. I love and still love that stuff. I bought the album at the time as I was very much in thrall with anything related to that band. The Backyard, is a neat, melodic, evocative record. Perhaps without a clear enough identity of its own, which is why it hardly had a world shattering impact but worthwhile in itself.

In addition here's a standout track from their 1987 full album debut Surprise Surprise Surprise. When the band split towards the end of the eighties Mulcahy proceeded towards a great solo career of small, beautiful records which Thom Yorke and Radiohead have a particular fondness for. In the meantime, here are these.

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